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THE SCRIPTURES:  We believe in the full verbal inspiration of the Word of God, and that both the Old and New Testament are inerrant in the original writings and are the supreme and final authority for the faith and life.

GOD:  We believe that there is only one living and true God, who exists in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These three Persons are one God, having the some nature, attributes, and perfections.

God the Father:  We believe that God as Father reigns with providential care over His universe, His creatures, and human history. 2)  God the Son: He is the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in (a) His eternal existence as God; (b) His incarnation and virgin birth; (c) His sinless life; (d) His substitutionary death on the cross for man’s sin; (e) His literal, bodily resurrection from the dead; (f) His ascension  into heaven where He continually makes intercession for believers; and (g) His personal, future return to earth.  3)  God the Holy Spirit:  We believe that the Holy Spirit (a) inspired the writings of the Scriptures, (b) convicts men of sin and regenerates, baptizes, indwells, seals, and sets apart believers for a holy life; (c) gifts, guides, enlightens, and empowers the believer and the church in worship evangelism and service.

MAN:  We believe that man was created innocent of sin and through Adam’s disobedience fell from his original innocence. Therefore all men are corrupted in body, soul, and spirit, and are in need of personal salvation.

SALVATION:  We believe in the sovereignty of God and in the moral responsibility of man. (a) Salvation is by grace, a free gift of God apart from works; (b) salvation requires repentance, a turning from one’s own way to God’s way; (c) salvation is through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; (d) all who receive Lord Jesus Christ are regenerated by the Holy Spirit and become the children of God; and (e) true salvation will be manifested by a changed life.

THE CHURCH:  We believe that the true Church is composed of all who have put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit. The church meets together for the worship of God and the teaching of His Word; for prayer and fellowship; and for the observance of the ordinances of Christ (baptism and the Lord’s Supper). The only Scriptural offices are elders (including pastors) and deacons, whose qualifications and duties are defined in the epistles of Paul.

THE FUTURE:  We believe in (a) the personal, visible, bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ to earth; (b) the bodily resurrection of the unrighteous (those who have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ) to judgment and everlasting punishment in the lake of fire; and (c) the bodily resurrection of the righteous (those who have been saved by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ) to eternal glory with Christ in heaven.

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